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    Contract compliance program

    Contract compliance is a very important aspect of recruitment management and something that we take incredibly seriously at First Call Contract Services.

    To this end we have a full time Director of Compliance to ensure all of our offices within our National Network throughout the country, remain compliant. Our in-house Director oversees the management and compliance of a number of areas;

    Gangmaster licensing – this is required for a recruitment agent who places contract workers in the fresh produce supply chain and horticulture industry, which includes food contract manufacturing companies to which we supply many staff.
    Health and Safety – across all sites and offices
    Auditing and Management – focusing on the candidates and their work time directive to make sure employees are treated in accordance with employment law.
    Promotion of ETI base codes – ETI (Ethical Trading Initiative) is founded on the conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and is an internationally recognised code of labour practice.

    At First Call Contract Services we are fully accredited, ensuring we maintain the highest standards in everything we do.

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