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    Regulations for contract workers

    The end of 2012 saw a few changes to the regulations surrounding contract labourers and their rights. As we enter a new year, many companies facing new challenges look to take on additional temporary staff kick the new year off. That being the case we wanted to give you a quick refresher in last years developments so you know how said changes could affect your contract work and workers.

    The lack of protection for contract staff has been a worry for some for a few years but the government have taken note and parliament have sought to address some of the issues raised. As a result Agency Worker Regulations have now come into force. They give agency workers the right to the same basic employment and working conditions as if they had been recruited directly by a company instead of a recruitment agent.

    Over the recent years a number of changes were enforced meaning those who choose to work as a contractor were able to benefit from the national minimum wage, paid holiday and the right not to work more than 48 hours a week on average.

    But the new Agency Worker Regulations have gone that one step further and the most recent changes are that after an initial 12 weeks at one company (whether in the same role for that time, or varied roles for the same company), basic working and employment conditions for temporary agency workers are no less favourable than if they had been recruited direct by the hirer. Also, from day one, they have equal access to all facilities, such as canteen or staff gym, as well as permanent employment opportunities.

    If you’re looking for work as a contractor, or indeed if you need additional labour to fulfil your commercial contracts then please get in touch, you could be just one click away from your perfect position or temporary employee!

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