First Call Contract Services launch a dedicated recruitment centre to meet client demands…
In recognition of client requirements and the need to work at speed selecting and engaging high numbers of candidates First Call Contract Services have launched their first pop up Recruitment Centre in Park Royal.
If you are a candidate looking for work in the Park Royal area please visit us at either of the two local offices:
Park Royal
Dephna House
112/114 North Acton Rd
Park Royal, NW10 6QH
Tel: 0203 437 0111
Park Royal
Room 602
7 Coronation Rd
NW10 7PQ
Tel: 0208 453 9444 or 07453638249
Dean Nixon – Sales Director said ‘our flexibility to move quickly, invest in solutions and additional support will make all the difference for peak and I’m sure that this will not be the first of our pop up Recruitment Centres.’
If you are a candidate looking for work or a client seeking similar support please get in touch.